Fourth, last, but not least, a poster inspired heavily by Powerpuff Girls, I used to love this series as a child and now that I am able to design myself, I said to myself once, “I should try their style.” I really love how unique their style is, my main inspiration is this collage of images I found online.

I took pictures outside at night, at day, till I found one neighbourhood that suited the exact idea I wanted to replicate, an apartment building face that was seen from a low angle, like street photography.
After I was done photographing the building I imported it into Illustrator and started using the Pen tool to map out the entire building and making it a vector, separating each detail like shadows, highlights and windows from each other, ended up with this vector art.
The tree on the left side as well as the clouds are also drawn by me, took me a couple of tries but I ended up with a tree and clouds that resembled heavily those from the Powerpuff series, added the text “You sweeten my life”; completing the quartet of love related quotes that the posters follow. Then proceeded to export it to Photoshop.
Here is the Illustrator and Photoshop BTS of the fourth poster:

The tools used in Illustrator to create this vector art:
- Pen Tool
- Text Tool

Photoshop is where all the magic happened, although it was not that long of a process.
First thing I did was add noise as soon as I opened the exported vector art, why? Because noise is what made the old films so nostalgic and so pure, because back then we did not have the sharpest nor the best video quality, be it scan lines, added CRT noise, it all just added imperfections which made the old stuff better.
After that I duplicated the same vector art, used a Halftone effect on it, I tinkered around till I found the perfect match, and displaced it with a photo I took of the ground in real life. This adds that paper-comic like texture to the whole thing.
Followed by not one but two Gradient Maps that brightened and exposed the picture even more, like the old Powerpuff series where everything was so bright and lively. A vibrance filter that fixes the colors and makes them slightly more fake-HDR like and the last Color Lookup that tones down the contrast a bit and makes the colors not too overexposed. And that’s it! There’s the four posters! Yay!
Here is an example of them hung on a wall in real life: